Step into the Wild Challenge - Day 1

Day 1: Breathe...

Welcome to day one of Wild Side Gardens Step into the Wild challenge. Great to have you along... Just a couple of notes about the challenge (or as I like to say "invitation"). This is about supporting you in an effort to be more connected with the natural world around you. You can share your insights in the comments or keep them personal to you. … Either way I encourage you to keep a notebook handy to reflect on what you experience over the next month, and hopefully beyond.  Or, you can just like the post and I’ll know you’re along for the ride…

 For sure there will be days you skip - but that's what your challenge buddies are for! There will be days you don't feel like "tuning in" to your surroundings and that's okay. This experience is just to help you be more aware, not to make you feel anxious if you miss a day or two... so.... let's get started.

 Your FIRST Challenge: Connect with yourself

In order to feel connected to nature, you need to connect with yourself... I try to start each day with a sequence of stretches and some breathing called Sun Salutation (youtube Sun Salutation for videos), This helps me "wake my body up" and I find out really quickly where I'm stiff, where I feel great and that I actually "hold" my breath a lot of the time!

 If yoga isn't your thing, then find a comfortable chair, plant your feet on the floor and take 10 deep breaths right down to your belly the first thing when you get out of bed.

 Your challenge is to do this every morning for the next 3 days, and record in your notebook (or the comments section) anything you notice about how your body feels...

 Have a great day and tune in tomorrow for Challenge #2...


Naomi Brett1 Comment