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looking for answers, inspirations and uncovering the joy in nature?

Pre-register for one of our upcoming workshops!


Upcoming Workshops

Due to COVID-19, our in-person workshops have been temporarily postponed. We are hoping to be back up and running Spring 2022!

Watch our Facebook page for updates, tips and ideas

OR - let us know below which workshops you’re interested in and we’ll contact you when we’re back up and running!


Creating a kids garden

cut flower garden for the table

making a bee house

garden for our pollinators

Herbal “libations” to spice up your Summer BBQ’s

Edible Flower workshop

get ready for flu and cold season

Edible Landscaping – incorporating food, herbs and medicine into your garden

Creating a Food garden

creating a meditation garden

Creating a wild side herb basket

creating a forest garden

creating a tea garden

Starting Seeds like a superstar